Sunday 18 June 2017

Animation with div tag of html and css coding by top4ways

Animation with html and css coding.
This animation is created with 60 div element placed in a line and each div has an id="dsa" but different class name (d1,d2,d3.........d60).

What you need for creating animation like above.
  • Basic knowledge of html and css.
  • Text editor like notepad , better if you use Standard code editor.

Lets start coding to create animation like this one.

Step first:- Open an text editor and write the basic structure of html5 and start coding as in step below

Step second :- Now create div elements and give same class name to all div and different id to all.

Step third :- Now create stylesheet with style tag and define appearance of div by selecting id and class name as in below code.

Step fourth: - Now define css for animating div as in below code.

Step fifth :- Now combine and save this codes in a right way and Run it on browser.

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