Saturday, 10 June 2017

Animation with div svg circle and animate tags

The below animation is created with the help of html5 and css.
Take a look to the animation first.

What you need for this animation ?
  • Basic knowledge of html and css.
  • Text editor like Notepad, Better if you use code editor.

Lets start coding for creating above animation.
List of html tags used in above animation.
    Tag used
  • div used 4 times
  • svg used 4 times
  • circle used 20 times
  • style
  • animate used 20 times

Method to create above animation :-
Step first: Create four div tags with different id or class name.
Step second : Create one-one svg elements between each div element. And define its height and width and create 5 circle between each svg elements. Then the code look like the below code: -

Step third: Now we will define the css for the whole code to make the animation complete. As the below code :-
Step fourth: Now place the code from second step inside the body tag and code from third step inside the style tag in below format for completing the above animation.

Step fifth : Save the code in html extension and run it on any html support browser.
If you have any problems in saving this animation file. You can download it just click on the download botton.

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